Monday, August 24, 2015

Cursive To Do or NOT? Plus Freebies TOO!

Pros and cons of cursive - Educents Blog

 When I was a youngster I studied the cursive alphabet daily and learned how to write in complete sentences.

The Argument to Teach Cursive

Some parents and educators want cursive handwriting to be included in students' lessons. Here's what they said about that:
  • How will they ever be able to read historical documents such as the constitution, etc if they don't learn to read and write in cursive? -Sara J.
  • I don't think it has been taught in our school for at least the last 10 to 15 years. Cursive writing will become a lost art in America. I think it should still be taught. -Claudia A.
  • Yes! It's part of my children's 2nd grade homeschool curriculum. They just started doing it, and they are so excited about it. :) -Angela M. 

Cursive - Educents Blog



The Argument Not to Teach Cursive

Some say cursive is no longer an essential lesson to teach kids, here's their reasonings for that:
  • No, it's not relevant anymore. Learn typing instead. -Robert C.
  • Honestly, it's no longer important. Teach them to sign their name; then teach them to convey their thoughts, and be persuasive, via oral and written communications. Why would we want to spend valuable school time, beyond a day or two, teaching someone to sign their name in cursive? Why don't we spend time teaching calculations via abacus or slide rules?  -Gary F.
  • I can read Shakespeare, Mark Twain and the Bible among other things all without ever needing cursive. Just don't get the hype. -Mike E.




Handwriting Resources for Kids

Are you an educator or parent who wants to spend time teaching your kids how to write in cursive? If so, these resources from Educents will make it a lot more easy and FUN to learn cursive. Super Cursive Freebie - Educents Blog



Web Learning Resources for Kids

Online learning is becoming even more important for the next generations. Educents also has affordable resources that helps children develop their typing and coding skills. Writing Programs - Educents Blog
  • Learn to Mod with Minecraft - Did you know kids can learn how to code by modifying (or "modding") Minecraft®? Kids learn how to code in Java® and apply it to Minecraft® themed problems!
  • The WriteWell App - A simple and intuitive web-based tool that makes writing fun and effective. With its unique visual and tactile interface and library of interactive essay templates, WriteWell is a convenient tool for teachers and students at home or in the classroom.
  • Handwriting Worksheet Wizard - StartWrite helps teachers, homeschoolers, and parents create handwriting lessons quickly and easily. This program saves hours in lesson preparation time, yet allows you to easily create fun, meaningful worksheet to teach handwriting.

What do you feel is the right thing to do in regards to cursive training and education? Should we continue to teach this method even though our children are more than likely going to be on the computer? Do you think that it will be better to learn it even if it becomes outdated? Your thoughts?


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